Event: Key Considerations for Evaluating CLM Solutions by In-House Connect

Date: 20 September 2023

Mode: Online

Costs: Free Registration

The panel will: 

1. Provide an overview of CLM Software: Gain a comprehensive overview of CLM software, its benefits, and its impact on your organization’s contract management processes.
2. Explore how CLM software can streamline contract creation, negotiation, execution, and monitoring, and how it can benefit the whole business.
3. Teach you how to conduct a thorough assessment of your organization’s unique contract management needs and how to uncover the crucial features, functionalities, and integrations that align with your business objectives, compliance requirements, and industry regulations.
4. Help you navigate the vast landscape of CLM software providers with confidence. Discover effective strategies for shortlisting vendors, evaluating their capabilities, and assessing their reputation, track record, and customer support; and
5. Explore the practical aspects of CLM software implementation, including deployment, system integration, user adoption, and change management. Gain insights into the potential challenges and best practices for successful CLM software integration within your existing technology ecosystem.

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