In this session, you’ll hear from a panel of intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs – all of whom are legalpreneurs! You’ll learn how they have taken their ideas, experiences, different approaches, different mindsets,

Call for Papers: Revista Chilena De Diseno: Creation and Thought (Volume VI) Topics: Legal Design, Design for Justice, Policy Design  Submission Deadline: 16 August 2021  Word Limit: 2500 – 6000

National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) empowers pre-college, college, post-college students, and professionals with knowledge and skills to create high-potential startups through Courses, Startup Labs and Practice Ventures (PVs). Program: NextGen Entrepreneur

The Plaksha Tech Leaders Fellowship (TLF) is a one year, fully residential, post-graduate program to nurture leaders in technology who are: Passionate about desgining scalable tech-centric solutions Constantly tinkering, making